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No. 40831904Play a gameTop StoriesNew storiesJun 29, 2024, 3:12:55 PM
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Show HN: Pickcode – Free online code editor for kids — Hi HN! PICKCODE, 1

Leaving UXR? — Your request has been blocked due to a network policy. LEAVING, 2

Why are we so afraid of code as a commodity? — Instead of asking how AI will automate our jobs, we should be focusing on what we, as engineers, uniquely do well. What problems can AI currently solve, and where is the whitespace to go beyond that? WHY, 3

The dirtiest fuel is a disturbingly safe investment — From some angles it seems as if thermal coal, the world’s dirtiest fuel, is having a tough year. Prices are down a bit. China, which gobbles up over half the world’s supply, is in economic trouble; a surge in hydropower generation there is squeezing out the fuel. In May G7 members agreed to phase out coal plants, where emissions are not captured, by 2035. Mining stocks are trading at a huge discount. THE, 4

Halbach Array — A Halbach array (.mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}German: [ˈhalbax]) is a special arrangement of permanent magnets that augments the magnetic field on one side of the array while cancelling the field to near zero on the other side.[1][2] This is achieved by having a spatially rotating pattern of magnetisation. HALBACH, 5

"Developerocracy" – A New Challenge for Scandinavia? — Over the past decade, I've observed a shift in many Scandinavian companies towards what I would call a "developerocracy." This represents a considerable departure from earlier times, where business needs drove most decisions. Today, developers often prioritize their personal interests over the business's desires. "DEVELOPEROCRACY", 6

Study Finds Today's Adolescents Are More Satisfied with Being Single — Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue STUDY, 7

Hayek, the Accidental Freudian — In November, 1977, on a still-sticky evening along Louisiana’s Gulf Coast, the Austrian economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek boarded a flight bound for Chile and settled into his seat in first class. He was headed to the Valparaíso Business School, where he was scheduled to receive an honorary degree. Upon arrival in Santiago, the Nobel laureate was greeted at the airport by the dean of the business school, Carlos Cáceres. They drove toward the Pacific Coast, stopping for a bite to eat in the city of Casablanca, which had a restaurant known for its chicken stew. After their meal, they steered north to Viña del Mar, a seaside resort city in Valparaíso, where Hayek would take long walks on the beach, pausing now and then to study the stones in the sand. HAYEK, 8

Gen AI is passé. Enter the age of agentic AI — UPDATED 12:43 EDT / JUNE 29 2024 GEN, 9

Tender has already nabbed a fast-food chain contract, and another $11M — Food technology startup Tender Food Inc. is a four-year-old startup elbowing its way into a market that is already crowded with well-known brands. It’s doing so well that it already secured a contract with Clover Food Lab’s fast-food chain in the Boston area. TENDER, 10

Letter to the Soviet Leaders, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn — Please enjoy another guest review while our baby learns to sleep. This time we present one by “Reginald Saki”, a policy analyst who advises the United States government. LETTER, 11

The Apple II shows how amazing the C64 was — Last year I bought an Apple //e Platinum and FloppyEmu to relive some early childhood nostalgia. I set it up on Clara’s and my weird assortment of tables we call our computer nook, and have proceeded to use it more than any other 8-bit machine. It’s where I hack on BASIC the most, try old software, and explore retro and modern add-on cards. Sometimes it just runs FISHIES while we’re working, to give us something cute to look at. THE, 12

Age Gating — Audio Recording by George Hahn AGE, 13

Why Write? — Creative writing is taught to children and students, but it benefits adults just as much. Writing is part of lifelong learning process that keeps us awake, sharp, and connected. WHY, 14

Japan achieves 402 TB/s data rate with commercial optical fiber — Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, in association with other institutes, set a 402 Tb/s data transfer record over commercially available optical fiber cables. A paper detailing this achievement was presented at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2024, held in San Diego. The paper also credits the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Nokia Bell Labs for contributing to this feat.  JAPAN, 15

Denver Basic Income Project Results — An experiment to pay people who were homeless in Denver with no limits on how they could spend the money led to twice as many people in stable housing, according to researchers who released their one-year report Tuesday.  DENVER, 16

I tried out RCS messages between iPhone and Android — Affiliate links on Android Authority may earn us a commission. Learn more. TRIED, 17

Whoogle: Self-hosted ad-free privacy-respecting metasearch with Google results — A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine WHOOGLE, 18

Mako Front End Build Tool — Hi, I am sorrycc, one of the main maintainers of Mako, and also the creator of Umi, Dva, Father, and other libraries. I am thrilled to announce that Mako is finally open source, the Github url is , and I’m excited to formally introduce it to you today. MAKO, 19

Enhanced Games, the Olympics where everyone dopes — It’s got billionaires, world champions and director Ridley Scott on board. But would an athletics competition where taking drugs is encouraged put the honesty back in sport – or cause rifts, risks and addictions? ENHANCED, 20

Bill Morgan Lottery Win — In May 1999, an Australian man from Melbourne named Bill Morgan was captured on film winning a AU$250,000 scratchcard while re-enacting his previous scratchcard win for a news report. The video of the event has since been widely shared online. BILL, 21

Ask HN: Edge AI Hardware List — Advertisement SHARE TWEET Untitled a guest Jun 29th, 2024 79 0 ... EDGE, 22

Work Hard — Every mathematician worthy of the name has experienced … the state of lucid exaltation in which one thought succeeds another as if miraculously… this feeling may last for hours at a time, even for days. Once you have experienced it, you are eager to repeat it but unable to do it at will, unless perhaps by dogged work… (André Weil, “The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician”) WORK, 23

Show HN: Unofficial Debian Sid Repository for Hyprland — 1. Works only on Debian Unstable (Sid) UNOFFICIAL, 24

Rule 30 — Rule 30 is an elementary cellular automaton introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983.[2] Using Wolfram's classification scheme, Rule 30 is a Class III rule, displaying aperiodic, chaotic behaviour. RULE, 25

In Depth Look at the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator — Quantum computing is still in its early stages of development — but its potential to power transformative uses in everyday life — from finding new drug therapies to designing materials that can help tackle climate change — is revving up enthusiasm for the technology. DEPTH, 26

Privacy Patterns — This pattern avoids the tracking of visitors of websites via cookies. It does this by deleting them at regular intervals or by disabling cookies completely. PRIVACY, 27

Anatomy of a Cryptocurrency Scam Operation — Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue ANATOMY, 28

The majority of Gen Z describe themselves as video content creators

washingtonpost.comTHE, 29

Widely reported study implying divorce more likely when wives fall ill gets axed — A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. WIDELY, 30

Nango (YC W23) Is Hiring a Senior Product Engineer (100% Remote, EST Timezone)

Raycast (YC W20) Is Hiring a Senior Product Designer (UTC ± 3 Hours)

Substack (YC W18) is hiring systems engineers