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No. 40848419Play a gameTop StoriesNew storiesJul 1, 2024, 5:35:20 PM
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How to build a portfolio website as a designer — Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue HOW, 1

Big Tech Gets a Big Win from the Supreme Court

msn.comBIG, 2

Apple execs are giving themselves bonuses as a reward for illegal dumping

twitter.comAPPLE, 3

Digital public archaeology: Excavating data from digs done decades ago — June 19, 2024 DIGITAL, 4

An Unfamiliar World — Last month’s post on the future of warfare in the deindustrial era mentioned in passing one of the most significant factors changing the world we know to one that most of us have never even imagined. That factor is demographics: in particular, the immense shift now under way from growth to contraction in human numbers worldwide.  Nearly everyone alive today grew up hearing about the population boom; it requires a major shift in mental gears to adjust to the imminence of the population bust. UNFAMILIAR, 5

A Survey of General-Purpose Polyhedral Compilers — This alert has been successfully added and will be sent to: SURVEY, 6

Show HN: Cloud management platform for Linux firewalls — Hi all. CLOUD, 7

RouteLLM: An Open-Source Framework for Cost-Effective LLM Routing — by: Isaac Ong*, Amjad Almahairi*, Vincent Wu, Wei-Lin Chiang, Tianhao Wu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, M Waleed Kadous, Ion Stoica, Jul 01, 2024 ROUTELLM, 8

Show HN: A toy tic-tac-toe TUI in Golang — Wrote it for practice, so that's why its not a simple one file implementation, created a decoupled version so it can be easily extended, with other variants etc TOY, 9

Honest Government Ad – AI [video]

youtube.comHONEST, 10

Show HN: 128bit flake id generator in go (library and server) — Flake generates globally unique identifiers (GUID) without coordination based on twitter snowlfake ids 128BIT, 11

Behind the Deal with Upfront Ventures — Securing major venture capital investments depends on timing, shared vision, and established trust between entrepreneurs and investors. Our recent $5M seed funding round, led by Upfront Ventures, stands as a testament to these principles. BEHIND, 12

Military horses bolt through London again after three break loose — Animals spooked by a bus unseat two riders before one is seen running into a car bonnet in Pimlico MILITARY, 13

Canada Day: The first 8008 personal computer was the Canadian MCM/70 [video]

youtube.comCANADA, 14

Zig-style generics are not well-suited for most languages — Too long; didn’t read: Zig’s compilation scheme for generics shares a lot of similarities with C++, and hence the pitfalls too. Such a compilation scheme is not well-suited to all languages, so armchair suggestions about how other languages should embrace Zig-style generics are misguided. Ain’t nobody handing out free lunches in Generics Land. ZIG-STYLE, 15

How GoFundMe Perpetuates Myths of Merit and Deservingness — It all started when Hannah’s friend from church, Allison, posted a frantic note on Facebook that her young son Beckett had been hit and run over by a car while playing outside. (The names used in this article are pseudonyms to protect the individuals’ privacy.) Beckett was life-flighted to a nearby trauma center with multiple organ failure. Hannah kept checking in, asking what she could do, and after a few days she asked if anyone had offered to set up a GoFundMe. “No, no one’s even thought of that,” Allison replied. She was grateful for the help, exhausted by constantly providing updates and answering questions about Beckett’s status and of course worried about the medical bills. HOW, 16

USN-6859-1: OpenSSH vulnerability — OpenSSH could be made to bypass authentication and remotely access systems without proper credentials. USN-6859-1, 17

Samsung M14 OLED Displays Coming to iPhone 16 Pro and Pixel 9 Series — We are getting closer to the launch of the iPhone 16 series and the upcoming Google Pixel 9 series. The Pixel 9 series launch event was supposed to happen in mid-October or November, but it is now happening two months earlier on August 13. And then, we have the launch of the iPhone 16 series scheduled in September. Numerous leaks are already up on the internet regarding the devices. And now a new piece of information reveals that the iPhone 16 Pro models and Pixel 9 series will utilize the industry’s best OLED displays. SAMSUNG, 18

CDK Global Hack Shows Risk of One Software Vendor Dominating an Industry — Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker CDK, 19

glTF Interactivity Specification Released for Public Comment — Today, the Khronos 3D Formats Working Group is pleased to announce that the glTF 2.0 Interactivity Extension (KHR_interactivity) specification draft is available for public review and feedback before ratification. This new extension uses behavior graphs, enabling content creators to add logic and behaviors to glTF assets, with a focus on safety, portability and ease of implementation. GLTF, 20

Atlas releases 65 TB of open data for research — The ATLAS Experiment at CERN has made two years’ worth of scientific data available to the public for research purposes. The data include recordings of proton–proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 13 TeV. This is the first time that ATLAS has released data on this scale, and it marks a significant milestone in terms of public access and utilisation of LHC data. ATLAS, 21

Mastering PostgreSQL JSONB type in one article — In modern application development, handling and storing unstructured data is becoming increasingly common. PostgreSQL's JSONB type provides a powerful tool for developers to efficiently store and query JSON data. In this article, we will delve into the concept and usage of the JSONB type and demonstrate its powerful features through specific code examples. MASTERING, 22

Perspective Jumping: How to focus as a solo-developer — A monster hunts you, developer. This monster is self-indulgence, a siren that seduces you and drains your time. PERSPECTIVE, 23

Fisker Went Bankrupt. What Do Its EV Owners Do Next? — It was the last week in June, and José De Bardi hadn’t gotten much sleep. The trouble had really kicked off on June 18, about a week earlier, when the electric vehicle company Fisker announced it had filed for bankruptcy protection. Now some 6,400 Fisker owners like De Bardi wondered: What will happen to their cars in the future? FISKER, 24

Calling the Baby Ugly Won't Short Circuit the Emperor's New Clothes — You can’t point out that the Emperor Has No Clothes until the emperor puts on his invisible garments.  Pointing out the problems before it is too late, is Calling The Baby Ugly.  Incomplete software can be “ugly” right now and still be great by the time it is released. CALLING, 25

What About the Business Logic in Elixir? — OTP, GenServer, Processes, and WebSockets are the day's topics inside the Elixir community. These are truly fascinating to reason about with the air of innovation they bring. But what if we shift the discourse from more substantial issues? WHAT, 26

CVE-2024-6387 — .dropbtn { background-color: #ffffff; color: #C8C8C8; padding: 0px 18px; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; border: none; cursor: pointer; } .dropdown { position: relative; display: inline-block; } .dropdown-content { display: none; position: absolute; text-align: left; background-color: #ffffff; min-width: 250px; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16... CVE-2024-6387, 27

End of Support for Mozilla Hubs — Mozilla has ended support for Mozilla Hubs on May 31st, 2024. You can no longer subscribe to Hubs, use the demo server, or create Hubs Cloud instances. Current customers will no longer be billed, and any remaining days in the month will be credited back to your original payment method. Please refer to the email “Hubs Shutdown Information” sent to customers for any questions regarding your subscription. If you have other questions about your account, please contact our support team. END, 28

Tell HN: Bitbucket is deleting empty workspaces — Bitbucket sent an email to all its users, including mine: TELL, 29

How to decide between competing explanations and theories — #comp-jm5jnilc { --height:80px;--width:400px }#comp-luk6u9hc { --stroke-width:0;--fill-opacity:1;--stroke:#5E97FF;--stroke-opacity:1;--fill:#42A5F5 } @font-face { font-family:"Avenir-LT-W01_85-Heavy1475544"; src:url("//") format("woff2"),url("//") format("woff"); font-display: swap; }@font-face { font-family: "Avenir-LT-W05_85-Heavy"; src: url("//") format("woff2"), ... HOW, 30

Optery (YC W22) Is Hiring Back End Engineers (Python and Django) & Sales (Remote)

Bitmovin (YC S15) is hiring video solution architects in the US

Nango (YC W23) Is Hiring a Senior Product Engineer (100% Remote, EST Timezone)